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Truth Vs The Lie

Updated: 4 days ago

The lie of character structure is the vital lie of the character structure formed during our formative years. It serves a purpose for a time. Often this is about self-preservation, but it comes at a heavy cost. But if we continue on our journey of development we inevitably reach a point where our walls of defences to keep reality outside paradoxically become our prison walls. So wrestling with comfort and yearning for something 'more' can we begin to bring these walls down and it is when we question the core of our being what am I living for? That the real journey of self-discovery, soul searching and heart delving can begin.

Are we humans called to 'fit in' or are humans called into this existence for something deeper and more profound?

We were called not to 'fit' in.

What does fitting in mean? following the rules set by conventional culture and society, prescribing how to live, essentially a hero [false] system. How can I be a hero? how can I 'ensure' my immortality - by following society and conventional cultural standards without questioning and discerning the wheat from the chaff?

How can I preserve myself?' This is a lie, one of many we tell ourselves, another is that we are 'special' gods. Unique yes, but we have to be careful where pride, false sense of sovereignty, arrogance, presumption and boastfulness crop up. This = the false light. The true light is hard-earned often born from fire in the depths of darkness. Fire purifies.

Why do we avoid looking in the mirror? on some unconscious level, we know that the more awake and switched on we become, paradoxically the harder life actually becomes, not easier. So we avoid the 'inner' work and keep ourselves plug-in disconnected content by being 'busy' i.e. distracted. In short, because we know that living a lie is easier and less costly than living a life of truth. Living truth every day over and over again means taking responsibility.

A lie is that we are doing okay, society is okay as it is. We are in control - that we can rise above the divine, that we do not even need the divine. We can solely rely on our worldly material gains and possessions, false hero systems to deny the latent terrors that existence always reveals. In short, 'I am powerful enough to deny worldly terrors.' But of course, The Shadow of Existence is revealed everywhere, especially in the light. Thus we buy into false hero systems. We try to escape. Who and what are we trying to escape from? This is a big question.

Often the journey in therapy is unmasking the lie of our lives to unearth, bring to the surface and live by truth. Often it is the lie that brings us to therapy. Engaging in our healing journey is hard. Truth is hard, it is costly, and most people do not want it. Nonetheless the yearning for truth never really goes away. Always there within the unconscious wanting to break out. Most are content to live within the eggshells of the ego.

Truth as we progress on our healing journey and bring together our fragmented parts of ourselves into some sort of 'coherence' there are still a lot of issues in society and our need for relations does not evaporate. We need others and others need us. Perhaps we can shift from using others for our self-preservation to building a community with others and others with us.

What is your time worth?

What is your time for?

This blog theme originates and is inspired by Jamie Moran

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